Why stipulate an home insurance contract? This is a recurring question nowadays!
An home insurance allows homeowners to protect and insure their assets and property.
What is a home insurance?
The home insurance is an insurance contract that protects against risks that could affect a home: theft, fire, flooding, explosions, robbery, damage to neighbors, etc.

How does a home insurance work?
Currently, in Italy, it is not mandatory to take out an home insurance contract. However, it remains recommended.
The home insurance is, therefore, a voluntary contract that the homeowner stipulates with an insurance company.
There are different types, or levels, of contracts that can be stipulated; based on what the homeowner wants to insure and at what level.
Usually, the homeowner (or tenant) signs a contract with an insurance company and pays an annual sum. This allows you to have coverage in case of damage of various kinds: theft, fire, flooding, etc.
By entering into an insurance contract, the owner has the possibility of obtaining compensation in the event that a harmful event covered by his policy occurs.
It is advisable to evaluate and compare the various types of contracts in order to find the most suitable for your home.
How much does the insurance cost?
The annual price of a home insurance averages around € 150-200.
Since there are different types of contracts that can be stipulated, the price may vary.
How to find the right policy for your home?
There are several insurance companies now on the market. Each offers different types of policies that can protect the homeowner and cohabitants from risks.
As mentioned in advance, it is good to compare the prices, the types of policies and decide, also with the help of an agent, the most appropriate insurance for your needs.

The Agenzia Immobiliare Sabina collaborates with different partners, including insurance ones, in the area and offers its customers many services. Contact us for more information!